The CDDO is the single point of application for individuals seeking IDD services. The Admissions Coordinator mails or hand delivers an Application for Eligibility Packet to individuals who request an eligibility determination for these services. The packet includes the following:
Arrowhead West CDDO
Attn: Ginger Carlisle, Admission Coordinator
P.O. Box 7
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104
- A letter explaining the eligibility requirements, documentation needed, etc. This may be omitted if the packet is hand delivered
- CDDO Application For Eligibility Determination For Services
- IDD definition of Intellectual and other Developmental Disabilities handout.
- CDDO handout providing a brief explanation of IDD Services
- CDDO Brochure
- Psychological evaluation guidelines (if applicable)
Arrowhead West CDDO
Attn: Ginger Carlisle, Admission Coordinator
P.O. Box 7
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104
Once all information is received, an eligibility determination is made by the Admissions Coordinator using the Eligibility Handbook Protocols for Intellectual or Developmental Disability. If the applicant is deemed eligible, they are advised via phone or letter and a date to complete BASIS and outline service/provider options is established. If the determination results in a denial, a letter is sent advising the applicant of the reason for the denial and the right to appeal the determination.